Hey Hey Brand Sponsorship
Featuring Hey Hey’s iconic neon sign in the opening shots of Boba Tea Bitches, an original song by Arigato Grande.

Hey Hey Logo
A featured shot of Hey Hey’s logo.

Hey Hey Logo
A featured shot of Hey Hey’s logo, a Chinese character meaning “happiness”.

Hey Hey Product Placement
A Godfather inspired title sequence, featuring a boba drink from Hey Hey.

Hey Hey Product Placement
Our star, Arigato Grande, takes a sip from a boba cup.

Hey Hey Product Placement
Arigato Grande takes a sip from her drink as she performs a line.

Hey Hey Product Placement
A dancer holds a Hey Hey drink while carrying out her performance.

Hey Hey Product Placement
A close up shot of Arigato Grande holding a Hey Hey cup of boba.

Hey Hey Product Placement
The antagonist of the story drinks from a Hey Hey boba cup.